How can you help?
Being a supporter of KRIM is about being a member of the community. KRIM is a non-profit, non-commercial, community focused radio station. It is funded by the community it serves. If you love local radio in Payson, join in and help keep it going. Local programming, produced by local people like you! KRIM - the voice and music of Payson.
KRIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3). Your contribution may be tax deductible. Thank You for supporting your community radio station!
KRIM Sponsorship & Underwriting Information
Adopt a day of KRIM broadcasting for just $200. We'll mention your name or business on the air a couple times every hour that entire day! You will also get recognized on the KRIM website.
Do you live outside of KRIM's signal range? Or would you like to listen to KRIM on your computer or smartphone? If so, KRIM is raising funds for its LIVE-STREAMING on the internet! You will be able to hear your community station, LIVE on your computer and anywhere in the world! Any donation amount will get you listed on the KRIM website as a member of the KRIM Stream Team. Please specify Streaming with or on your donation.